बुधवार, १७ ऑगस्ट, २०१६

The Change story because of ELISS Program of RMSA and British Council.
(English Language Initiative for Secondary Schools)
ELISS program has a great impact on our teaching. Previously we were more concerned about teaching English as a subject having more TTT.

Due to ELISS I got number of opportunities for my Continuing Professional development (CPD)
Attended Three phases of ELISS trainings for Master Trainers and successfully did the cascading for the English teachers of Thane District.
·       During Mentoring Pilot project
Conducted Headmasters’ and Mentee Meetings,

pre observation and post observation chats with 15 mentees, classroom observations,
discussions on the whats app and facebook groups, sharing the resouces, links and
motivated them to adopt new approaches for the teaching learning process.

                    Did the Presentation in the Symposium on 30th January 2016.

·       We have established English Teachers’ Forum Thane(ETFT) and conducted Three workshops for the English Teachers. 120-150 teachers participated in the workshop which is a great success in our part.
·       Started writing my own blogs.
Ø   Now I use more Child centred approach, constuctivist and Activity based Learning to the maximum extent and blended it with the Digital Classroom, Reduced TTT   and increased STT.
Ø It improved confidence level and fluency. As I started preparing activity sheets, mind maps, ppts and useful learning materials. My learners enjoy learning English.


      Selected as a Member of Board of Studies to design the curriculum for the State. Last year we have written Std VI Textbooks of English.

      Virtual Trainings for std vi English at Balchitravani

Thanks to RMSA and British council Family especially Hon. Suvarna Kharat ma’am, Prachi Sathe ma’am,  Ranjit Deshmukh sir, Rageshree ma’am, John sir, Gauri ma’am, all MT’s and Mentors for your constant motivation.

Sharad Laxman Pandhare
Government Secondary and Higher Secondary Girls’ Ashramschool Shenave, Tal- Shahapur Dist- Thane

9270257902              sharadp9385@gmail.com

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